Installing a window air conditioner on a sash window is an easy task and, in most cases, takes less than an hour. The steps given here are for general guidance only. Window air conditioners are easy to install on sash windows. The side accordion sticks out to fill the opening. Various brands of window air conditioners have different fixing methods. The manufacturer's installation instructions are included with the new window air conditioner packing box; follow these instructions. If the unit is not installed correctly, it may fall.
1. Fully open the lower window frame, remove it if present, and then clean the window sill and passage with a vacuum cleaner.
2. Ready to expand. Most air conditioning units have an accordion or sliding extension, which can slide to completely fill the opening. Some units have already attached. For other models, you need to slide it into the channel on the side of the air conditioner. It is better to prepare them first and then put the AC device on the window.
3. Prepare to install the bracket. Some air conditioners are only placed on the windowsill; others are placed on a special stand attached to the windowsill. If you use mounting brackets, follow the manufacturer's instructions to install these brackets. Make sure to position the device horizontally as recommended (generally tilt it down slightly outward to drain condensate) to ensure the fasteners are secure. Some devices come with two lengths of weather resistant foam - one along the door sill below the device, which you can now attach. The other will be placed on top of device.
4. After installation. If necessary, lift the air conditioning unit with an assistant. Use your legs, not your back muscles! Slide it into the window opening from inside the room and place it correctly on the door sill or support bracket. If a bracket is used, lock it in place. Perform this step carefully, do not let the device fall out of the window! If your air conditioner is equipped with a drain hose, connect it to the outside.
5. Lower the window sash so that it is close to the channel at the top of the device. The mounting flange on the top of the unit should lie flat on the lower window frame.
6. Seal the inside circumference of the opening with a foam seal (usually provided).
Check best window air conditioner brands online before buying.